Brand Strategy

This workshop has been designed to help you gain clarity around your brand so that your brand identity can truely reflect your business and help you to stand out against your competition.

Understanding your business

This involves getting to the heart of your business and finding out where the business is at and how the business has been performing, what works well and what doesn’t work.

We will also discuss key business objectives and what is wanting to be achieved in the future.


This is about gathering ideas and thoughts about the business. It’s important to understand what makes the business individual and special so throughout this session we will go ‘under the hood’ of the business to pull-out aspects of the business that are unique.

We will cover the following areas:

  • Your audience – who are they, when do they buy from you, what do they expect
  • Your purpose – why does the business exist
  • Your brand value – what makes your business unique
  • Core values – what do you stand for
  • The ‘big’ vision – what is your big objective
  • Business’s mission – why do you do what you do
  • Individual contributions – who does what and why
  • Customer pain-points and how you do what you to solve them
  • Customer experience – what experience do they receive
  • Competition – who are they and what are they doing

Tone of Voice

Your brand needs a voice so in this session we will create a brand voice that fits with your brand so that when you communicate to your audience, you reflect your true personality. This will help potential customers understand more about your business and the way you approach what you do. It also helps to create the essence of your brand.

Imagery and Brand Personality

Your brand image and colour scheme plays an important role in your business’s visual identity. This needs to be aligned with your tone of voice and brand personality so that everything you do resonates with your audience. When everything you say or do resonates with your personality, it deepens connections with customers, allowing you to build trust and long-term brand loyalty.

“Going through the Brand Discovery Workshop was a brilliant process. Karen helped me look at my business from every angle which helped me be really clear about why I want the business and how I want it to be perceived.”